Land Trust

A land trust is a non-profit private organization created for the purpose of environmental conservation. The trust acquires lands that it intends to protect for some natural or historical purpose through purchase, donation, covenant, or lease.[^1], [^2] Conservation objectives may be broad in scope, i.e., they may cover serval environmental issues and goals.[^3] However, in some instances a land trust may be established to combat the effects of a specific issue such as sea-level rise. For example, the Hawaiian Island Land Trust was established to protect sand dunes from SLR [^12] The trust focuses on restoring coastal vegetation as an adaptation strategy. In British Columbia Canada, there are 34 land trust organizations. Collectively, these trusts have conserved more than 1 million acres of land. [^13]

Types of land trust

  • Community land trusts (CLT) are not-for-profit organizations where membership is open to any resident of the geographical region or bioregion where the trust is located. The purpose of a CLT is to create a democratic institution to hold land and to retain the use-value of the land for the benefit of the community.
  • Conservation land trusts are created to protect property from future development. This might involve protecting greenfield sites or reclaiming and restoring brownfield sites [^14]
  • Coastal land trusts help to conserve coastal shorelines and landscapes and cultural values. Some coastal land trusts have been established to combat the effects of climate change. [^15], [^16]

✓ Benefits

  • Can serve as a complement to standard land use regulations within a given planning framework.
  • More likely to be effective conservation measure when used in conjunction with other approaches to land reform [^14]
  • Private donations of lands allow for the protection of ecological assets at minimum cost to the state [^17]
  • Helps to foster land stewardship for community-based uses and benefits

✗ Challenges

  • It may be difficult to obtain resources to acquire, restore, and manage environmentally significant lands
  • May require negotiating with multiple landowners to acquire conservation easements [^15]
  • There might be legal challenges related to the incompatibility of land use such as timber harvesting and mining. For example, subsurface rights to resources may not be included in a land trust donation [^18]

Example projects


<! data-preserve-html-node="true"-- Regular citations --> [^1]: The Arlington Group Planning Architecture Inc., et al. Sea Level Rise Adaptation Primer. pp. 55. [^2]: Ibid, 56. [^3]: Ibid, 56. [^4]: “The Hawaiian Islands Land Trust - Waihe'e Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge.” Conservation in a Changing Climate, [^5]: Ibid. [^6]: Ibid. [^7]: Ibid. [^8]: Ibid. [^9]: “Restoration Work Begins on the Englishman River Estuary.” The Nature Trust of British Columbia, 15 Mar. 2018, [^10]: Ibid. [^11]: Ibid. [^12]: Land Trust Alliance. (2014). The Waihe’e Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge: full case study. Retrieved from [^13]: McNair & Harrington. (2016). Land Trusts in BC – The Importance of People Protecting Places. The land conservancy of British Columbia. [^14]: Campbell, M. C., & Salus, D. A. (2003). Community and conservation land trusts as unlikely partners. The case of Troy Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin. Land Use Policy, 20(2), 169-180. [^15]: Bonar, D. (2021). Maui Coastal Land Trust. Coastal adaptation knowledge exchange. [^16]: Witt, S and Swann, R. (1995). LAND: CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY [^17]: Myhr, R. O. (1987). Private Coastline Conservation Management: The Land Trust in the San Juan Islands, Washington. In Coastal Zone'87 (pp. 3266-3273). ASCE. [^18]: Rissman, A. R., & Butsic, V. (2011). Land trust defense and enforcement of conserved areas. Conservation Letters, 4(1), 31-37.

<! data-preserve-html-node="true"-- Images --> [^i1]: Spreckelsville, Maui. [^i2]: The Englishman River Estuary.


Land Acquisition


Protected Area Zoning