Monthly Meeting Update: Distribution of Project Goals
August 10, 2021.
The Living with Water team has identified areas of interest that fall within overarching themes of foregrounding Indigenous Knowledges, creating tools for decision-making, and nurturing relationships between different government bodies. More specifically, members of the research group looked at pursuing:
Protocols for vulnerability assessment
Values mapping
Participatory landscape values mapping
Values-based coastal flood risk assessment
Defining critical infrastructure, habit fragmentation, nature-based solutions, and managed retreat in the BC coastal context
Case study analysis of multifunctional flood defenses
Coastal hydrodynamic modelling
Contextual design of multifunctional flood protection solutions
Cost-benefit analysis of managed retreat scenarios
Synthesis of lessons learned from building connected networks of regional and sub-regional resilience in the south coast region
Policy-gap analysis
Review of dyke design standards and guidelines
Living with Water is generously supported by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.