Mathilde Jung on the Sea2City Project

February 15, 2022.

Housing complexes off of False Creek, seen from Granville Island.

Mathilde Jung presents on her research involving the Sea2City Project with the City of Vancouver, and community-led design hypotheses for rising sea levels along the urban False Creek coastline.

NbS conference in Halifax mid to late June is saving spaces for LWW participants.  Vanessa will have more information on this sometime in April.  If you want to know more now please ask Vanessa.

  • WUR (Wageningen University) has launched the Student Challenge on Nature Based Solutions. Teams of at least two and up to five BSc and/or MSc students from universities worldwide can participate. The kick-off meeting takes place on 22 February between 16:00 and 17:00.  If you have questions please contact Jantsje van Loon-Steensma or Vanessa Lueck.

2022 Special Session: Living Labs: Space for Experiments on Sustainable Coastal Adaptation at the ECSA59 conference in Spain 2022 (September).  One of Jantsje’s PhD students is participating and this is an opportunity to present in Europe.  If you have questions please contact Jantsje van Loon-Steensma.