Re-envisioning the Lulu Island Waterfront, Richmond, BC
January 18, 2024.
Satellite Image of Lulu Island, Richmond, BC.
A project in Richmond
Used to have 20 islands; diked everything, now one big island
City has bought tracts of land; developing new riverfront park
Reshape how Richmond engages with waterfront for social and ecological rejuvenation; right now, very locked into diking master plan
1 m above sea level; really vulnerable to SLR, flooding, dikes to earthquakes
Values: Long-standing relationships of Musqueam to area; food
Plans to create a superdike (5 m) but this will disconnect communities from the river; Close proximity to Hwy 99, Airport, Warehouse development = lack of vibrancy on the streets and ground; Unaffordability (dichotomy between high end residential markets and gentrification); Privatisation of waterfront = waterfront is not open and accessible to all
Vision: What if water is centred?
Room for the river
Grey to blue-green spaces integrated with development
Inclusive community and stewardship; cultural diversity
New cultural promenade- new landing point to connect city and river
Fragmented to interconnected forms
Diverse urban spaces
Strategic infill and densification
Phased retreat- cultural space → wetland; move critical functions further away from the river; hosting new functions alongside the river; restoring ecological functions
Adaptive waterfront, landscape buffers (e.g., sponge park)
Integrating other functions into dikes, like playgrounds, habitat, recreational functions that can be given back to river to occupy during flood events
Precedents: Dale Hodges Park, Calgary; Zalige Bridge, Netherlands--where water is embraced within site design
Teams will be presenting projects to the city!