“B.C. lacks overarching authority to oversee coastal flood management, ecosystem conservation” Jun 26 Written By Kees Lokman The Globe and Mailby Matthew McClearn and Justine HunterDecember 21, 2021 “Parts of British Columbia could see massive losses if the province doesn’t start planning for flooding as ocean waters rise and storms surge due to climate change, says a researcher at the University of B.C. in Vancouver.” Kees Lokman
“B.C. lacks overarching authority to oversee coastal flood management, ecosystem conservation” Jun 26 Written By Kees Lokman The Globe and Mailby Matthew McClearn and Justine HunterDecember 21, 2021 “Parts of British Columbia could see massive losses if the province doesn’t start planning for flooding as ocean waters rise and storms surge due to climate change, says a researcher at the University of B.C. in Vancouver.” Kees Lokman