ReFRESH Project

Partnership Initiative
January 2021


The Canadian government has allocated $5 million through the British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund to support the ReFRESH project, led by Living with Water member Eric Balke. This initiative, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited Canada, the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Asarum Ecological Consulting, and the Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance, aims to restore vital salmon habitats in the Fraser River Estuary. By revitalizing ecosystems critical to wild Pacific salmon, the project addresses declining fish populations while enhancing biodiversity and ecological resilience. The funding supports innovative restoration techniques and collaborative efforts to protect and sustain estuarine environments essential for salmon and other species. ReFRESH exemplifies the integration of ecological science and community-based partnerships, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural habitats in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. The project’s outcomes are expected to contribute to long-term conservation strategies and the sustainability of British Columbia’s iconic salmon populations.

News Release

Published: June 20, 24

Ducks Unlimited Canada works with partners to advance research and on-the-ground restoration of Metro Vancouver’s critical coastal ecosystems. “

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