Stephanie Chang

Researcher (2021-Current)

Stephanie Chang is a professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, with a joint appointment in the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) and the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability (IRES). She currently serves as co-director of the Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) in Urban Systems program.

Dr. Chang held a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Disaster Management and Urban Sustainability from 2004 to 2013. Much of her work aims to bridge engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences in addressing the complex issues of hazards and disasters. Her research has ranged from empirical investigation of major urban disasters to computer modeling and economic analysis of risk reduction strategies. She is particularly interested in issues of urban risk dynamics, disaster recovery and resilience, infrastructure systems, climate change adaptation, and coastal cities.

Dr. Chang was awarded the 2001 Shah Family Innovation Prize by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), was EERI's 2011 Distinguished Lecturer, and received the 2018 Distinguished Research Award from the Integrated Disaster Risk Management Society (IDRiM). She has served on the editorial boards of Earthquake Spectra, Environmental Hazards, and Natural Hazards. She was a member of the U.S. National Research Council's Committee on Disaster Research in the Social Sciences, as well as its Committee on Earthquake Resilience – Research, Implementation, and Outreach. She recently served on the Council of Canadian Academies' expert panel on Disaster Resilience in a Changing Climate.


  •     Ph.D. (1994) Cornell University, Regional Science

  •     M.Sc. (1993) Cornell University, Regional Science

  •     B.S.E. (1989) Princeton University, Civil Engineering and Operations Research

Selected Publications

  • Righter, D.A. and S.E. Chang. 2023. "Implementing coastal adaptation: Assessing and explaining success by local governments in Nova Scotia, Canada," J. Environmental Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2023.2167195

  • Chang, S.E., C. Brown, J. Handmer, J. Helgeson, Y. Kajitani, A. Keating, I. Noy, M. Watson, S. Derakhshan, J. Kim, and A. Roa-Henriquez. 2022. “Business recovery from disasters: Lessons from natural hazards and the COVID-19 pandemic,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 103191.

  • Chang, S.E. and A. Tanner. 2022. “A community impact scale for regional disaster planning with transportation disruption,” Natural Hazards Review 23(3): 04022019. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000563

  • Chang, S.E., J.Z.K. Yip, T. Conger, G. Oulahen, E. Gray, and M. Marteleira. 2020. “Explaining communities’ adaptation strategies for coastal flood risk: Vulnerability and institutional factors,” J. Flood Risk Management, e12646. DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12646

  • Chang, S.E. and H. Dowlatabadi. 2019. "Transportation Disruptions and Regional Supply Chains: A Modeling Framework with Application to Coastal Shipping," ch. 10 in Y. Okuyama and A. Rose, eds. Modeling Spatial and Economic Impacts of Disasters, 2nd ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Pp.243-264.

  • Chang, S.E., T.L. McDaniels, L. Yumagulova, and M. Stevens. 2019. "Dynamics and Governance of Risk in Metro Vancouver," ch.8 in T. Hutton and P. Gurstein, eds., Planning on the Edge: Vancouver and the Challenges of Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development. Vancouver, Canada: UBC Press. Pp.144-169.

  • Chang, S.E., J.Z.K. Yip, and W. Tse. 2018. "Effects of Urban Development on Future Multi-Hazard Risk: The Case of Vancouver, Canada," Natural Hazards. Published online October 11, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-018-3510-x.

  • Chang, S.E., J.Z.K. Yip, T. Conger, G. Oulahen, and M. Marteleira. 2018. "Community Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards: Developing a Typology for Disaster Risk Reduction," Applied Geography 91: 81-88. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2017.12.017

  • Chang, S.E., A. Brown, R. Costa, B. Dobson, H. Dowlatabadi, and T. Haukaas. 2017. "A Community Resilience Approach to Assessing Transportation Risk in Disasters," Proc. 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Santiago, Chile. Paper no. 3431, 12pp.

  • Mochizuki, J. and S.E. Chang. 2017. "Disasters as Opportunity for Change: Tsunami Recovery and Energy Transition in Japan," Int'l J. of Disaster Risk Reduction 21: 331-339.

  • Chang, S.E. 2016. "Socioeconomic Impacts of Infrastructure Disruptions," Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science, 31pp. Online at DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.66

  • Chang, S.E., J.Z.K. Yip, S.L. van Zijll de Jong, R. Chaster, and A. Lowcock. 2015. “Using Vulnerability Indicators to Develop Resilience Networks: A Similarity Approach,” Natural Hazards 78(3): 1827-1841.

  • McDaniels, T., S.E. Chang, D. Hawkins, G. Chew, and H. Longstaff. 2015. “Towards Disaster-Resilient Cities: An Approach for Setting Priorities in Infrastructure Mitigation Efforts,” Environment, Systems and Decisions 35(2): 252-263.

  • Chang, S.E., J. Stone, K. Demes, and M. Piscitelli. 2014. “Consequences of Oil Spills: A Framework for Scenario Planning,” Ecology and Society 19(2): 26.

  • Chang, S.E., J.E. Taylor, K. Elwood, E. Seville, D. Brunsdon, and M. Gartner. 2014. “Urban Disaster Recovery in Christchurch: The Central Business District Cordon and Other Critical Decisions,” Earthquake Spectra, Canterbury (NZ) Earthquakes Special Issue 30(1): 513-532.

  • Chang, S.E., T. McDaniels, J. Fox, R. Dhariwal, and H. Longstaff. 2014. “Toward Disaster-Resilient Cities: Characterizing Resilience of Infrastructure Systems with Expert Judgments,” Risk Analysis 34(3): 416-434.

  • Fujimi, T. and S.E. Chang. 2014. “Adaptation to Electricity Crisis: Businesses in the 2011 Great East Japan Triple Disaster,” Energy Policy 68: 447-457.

  • Chang, S.E. and A. Lotze 2014. “Infrastructure Contribution to Business Disruption in Earthquakes: Model and Application to North Vancouver, Canada,” Proc. 10th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Anchorage, AK.

  • Kajitani, Y., S.E. Chang, and H. Tatano. 2013. “Economic Impacts of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and Tsunami,” Earthquake Spectra, 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake and Tsunami Special Issue 29(S1): S457-478.

  • Chang, S.E. and A.Z. Rose. 2012. “Towards a Theory of Economic Recovery from Disasters,” International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 30(2): 171-181.

  • Chang, S.E., M. Gregorian, K. Pathman, L. Yumagulova, and W. Tse. 2012. “Urban Growth and Long-Term Changes in Natural Hazard Risk.” Environment and Planning A 44: 989-1008.

  • Hill, A., J. Bevington, R. Davidson, S. Chang, R. Eguchi, B. Adams, S. Brink, D. Panjwani, R. Mills, S. Pyatt, M. Honey, and P. Amyx. 2011. “Community-Scale Damage, Disruption, and Early Recovery in the 2010 Haiti Earthquake,” Earthquake Spectra 27(S1): S431-S446.

  • Miles, S.B. and S.E. Chang. 2011. “ResilUS – A Community Disaster Resilience Model”, Journal of Cartography and GIS (CAGIS), 38(1), pp. 36 - 51.

  • Chang, S.E. 2010. "Urban disaster recovery: a measurement framework with application to the 1995 Kobe earthquake," Disasters 34(2): 303-327.

  • Olshansky, R. and S. Chang. 2009. "Planning for Disaster Recovery: Emerging Research Needs and Challenges," Journal of Progress in Planning, special issue on Emerging Research Agendas in Urban Planning. 72: 200-209.

  • Chang, S.E., C. Pasion, S. Yavari, and K. Elwood. 2009. "Social Impacts of Lifeline Losses: Modeling Displaced Populations and Health Care Functionality," Proc. of 2009 Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering (TCLEE) Conference, Oakland, California (June 2009), pp.563-572.

  • Chang, S.E., T. McDaniels, and C. Beaubien. 2009. "Societal Impacts of Infrastructure Failure Interdependencies: Building an Empirical Knowledge Base," Proc. 2009 TCLEE Conference, pp.693-702.

  • Chang, S.E. 2009. “Infrastructure Resilience to Disasters,” The Bridge: Linking Engineering and Society, National Academy of Engineering, Winter: 36-41.

  • Berke, P.R., R. Chuenpagdee, K. Juntarashote, S.E. Chang. 2008. "Human-Ecological Dimension of Disaster Resiliency in Thailand: Social capital and aid delivery," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 51(2): 303-317.

  • McDaniels, T., S. Chang, D. Cole, J. Mikawoz, and H. Longstaff. 2008. "Fostering Resilience to Extreme Events Within Infrastructure Systems: Characterizing Decision Contexts for Mitigation and Adaptation," Global Environmental Change 18(2): 310-318.

  • Chang, S., C. Pasion, K. Tatebe, and R. Ahmad. 2008. Linking Lifeline Infrastructure Performance and Community Disaster Resilience: Models and Multi-Stakeholder Processes, MCEER Technical Report No. MCEER-08-0004. 127pp.

  • Chang, S.E., T.L. McDaniels, J. Mikawoz, and K. Peterson. 2007. "Infrastructure failure interactions in extreme events: the 1998 Ice Storm," Natural Hazards, 41(2): 337-358.

  • McDaniels, T., S. Chang, K. Peterson, J. Mikawoz, and D. Reed. 2007. "Empirical Framework for Characterizing Infrastructure Failure Interdependencies," Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 13(3): 175-184.

  • Chang, S.E. and E. Crawford Boettcher. 2007. "Environmental Considerations in Fostering Disaster-Resilient Communities," Proc. 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan, November 27-29.

  • Miles. S.B. and S.E. Chang. A Simulation Model of Urban Disaster Recovery and Resilience: Implementation for the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Buffalo, NY: MCEER, Technical Report MCEER-07-0014. 89 pp.

  • Chang, S.E., B.J. Adams, J. Alder, P.R. Berke, R. Chuenpagdee, S. Ghosh, and C. Wabnitz. 2006. "Coastal Ecosystems and Tsunami Protection," Earthquake Spectra, 22(S3):S863-S887.

  • Miles, S.B. and S.E. Chang. 2006. "Modeling Community Recovery from Earthquakes," Earthquake Spectra, 22(2):439-458.

  • Chang, S.E., T.L. McDaniels, H. Longstaff, and S. Wilmot. 2006. "Fostering Disaster Resilience through Addressing Infrastructure Interdependencies," Plan Canada, 46(4):33-36.

  • Brown, C.E., S.E. Chang, and T.L. McDaniels. 2006. "Utility Provider Liability for Electrical Failure: Implications for Interdependent Critical Infrastructure," The Electricity Journal, 19(5):69-81.

  • Chang, S.E. and M. Shinozuka, 2004. “Measuring Improvements in the Disaster Resilience of Communities,” Earthquake Spectra, 20(3):739-755.

  • Chang, S.E. 2003. “Evaluating Disaster Mitigations:  A Methodology for Urban Infrastructure Systems,” Natural Hazards Review, 4(4):186-196.

  • Chang, S.E. 2003. “Transportation Planning for Disasters:  An Accessibility Approach,” Environment and Planning A, 35:1051-1072.

  • Bruneau, M., S.E. Chang, R.T. Eguchi, G.C. Lee, T.D. O’Rourke, A.M. Reinhorn, M. Shinozuka, K. Tierney, W.A. Wallace, and D. von Winterfeldt. 2003. “A Framework to Quantitatively Assess and Enhance the Seismic Resilience of Communities,” Earthquake Spectra, 19(4):733-752.

  • Chang, S.E. and A. Falit-Baiamonte. 2002. “Disaster Vulnerability of Businesses in the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake,” Environmental Hazards, 4(2/3):59-71.

  • Chang, S.E., W.D. Svekla, and M.Shinozuka. 2002. “Linking Infrastructure and Urban Economy:  Simulation of Water Disruption Impacts in Earthquakes,” Environment and Planning B, 29(2):281-301.

  • Chang, S.E. and N. Nojima. 2001. “Measuring Post-Disaster Transportation System Performance:  The 1995 Kobe Earthquake in Comparative Perspective,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 35(6):475-494.

  • Chang, S.E. 2000. “Disasters and Transport Systems: Loss, Recovery, and Competition at the Port of Kobe after the 1995 Earthquake,” Journal of Transport Geography, 8(1):53-65.

  • Chang, S.E., M. Shinozuka, and J.E. Moore II. 2000. “Probabilistic Earthquake Scenarios:  Extending Risk Analysis Methodologies to Spatially Distributed Systems,” Earthquake Spectra, 16(3):557-572.

  • Eguchi, R.T., J.D. Goltz, C.E. Taylor, S.E. Chang, P.J. Flores, L.A. Johnson, H.A. Seligson, and N.C. Blais. 1998. “Direct Economic Losses in the Northridge Earthquake:  A Three-Year Post-Event Perspective,” Earthquake Spectra, 14(2):245-264.

  • Chang, S.E. 1997.  “Regional Economic Structure and Capital Investment in the Built Physical Environment,” Papers in Regional Science, 76(4):385-407.

  • Brookshire, D.S., S.E. Chang, H. Cochrane, R.A. Olson, A. Rose, and J. Steenson. 1997. “Direct and Indirect Economic Losses from Earthquake Damage,” Earthquake Spectra, 13(4):683-702.

  • Shinozuka, M., S.E. Chang, R.T. Eguchi, D.P. Abrams, H.H.M. Hwang, and A. Rose. 1997.  “Advances in Earthquake Loss Estimation and Application to Memphis, Tennessee,” Earthquake Spectra, 13(4):739-758.

  • Rose, A., J. Benavides, S.E. Chang, P. Szczesniak, and D. Lim. 1997. “The Regional Economic Impact of an Earthquake: Direct and Indirect Effects of Electricity Lifeline Disruptions,” Journal of Regional Science, 37(3):437-458.

  • Chang, S.E. and M. Shinozuka. 1996.  “Life-Cycle Cost Analysis with Natural Hazard Risk,” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 2(3):118-126.




ERIC BALKE, Solutions Strategist