Tara Martin

Researcher (2022-Current)

Tara Martin is a Professor with the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and the inaugural Liber Ero Chair in Conservation at the University of British Columbia. She is a global leader in the field of Conservation Decision Science – combining predictive ecological models with decision science to inform what actions to take, where to take them and when to achieve our conservation and natural resource management goals.

Tara leads a team of graduate students and research fellows in the Conservation Decisions Lab, seeking to understand, predict and ultimately inform decisions about the impacts of global change on biodiversity and natural resources.  Tara and her team work closely with Indigenous communities supporting their research needs and centering Indigenous values, knowledge and sovereignty in co-developed and collaborative research. 

Tara has been awarded The Nature Conservancy Professor in Practice Award, Clarivate & Thomson Reuters Citation & Innovation Awards for her work in climate change decision making and biodiversity conservation, and a Wilburforce Conservation Fellowship. Tara is a member of the IUCN Climate Change Specialist Group and co-leads the Climate Adaptation Theme. 

Selected Publications

  • Riley JR Finn, Murray Ned-Kwilosintun, Leah Ballantyne, Ian Hamilton, Janice Kwo, Rayanna Seymour-Hourie, Deborah Carlson, Kristen E Walters, Jennifer Grenz, Tara Martin. (2024) Reclaiming the Xhotsa: climate adaptation and ecosystem restoration via the return of Sumas Lake. Frontiers in Conservation Science.

  • Kehoe, L., Lund, J., Chalifour, L., Asadian, Y., Balke, E., Boyd, S., Carlson, D., Casey, J.M., Connors, B., Cryer, N., Drever, M.C., Hinch, S., Levings, C., MacDuffee, M., McGregor, H., Richardson, J., Scott, D.C., Stewart, D., Vennesland, R.G., Wilkinson C.E., Zevit, P., Baum, J.K., Martin, T.G. (2020). Conservation in heavily urbanized biodiverse regions requires urgent management action and attention to governance. Conservation Science and Practice In Press

  • Rodewald, A., P. Arcese, J. Sarra, J. Tobin, J. Sayer, T. Martin, F. Hawkins, B. Guy, K. Wachowicz, (2020). Innovative finance for conservation: roles for ecologists and practitioners. Issues in Ecology

  • Walsh, J.C., Connors, K., Hertz, E., Kehoe, L., Martin, T.G., Connors, B., Bradford, M.J., Freshwater, C., Frid, A., Halverson, J., Moore, J.W., Price, M.H.H., Reynolds, J.D. (2020). Prioritising conservation actions for Pacific salmon in Canada. Journal of Applied Ecology


MATT OSLER, Solutions Strategist


ANGELA DANYLUK, Solutions Strategist